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Monday, August 29, 2011

Fortuitous - Look it Up

My nephew just went off to college and I told him not to do anything I wouldn’t do.  Then I thought better of that, there wasn’t much that I didn’t do!  So I told him to be safe instead!  It did bring to mind some more stories of my college years, looking back it is pretty funny …but my buddy Matt probably didn’t think so at the time.
Matt, Rod and I ran around together a lot.  Matt being the oldest, he was the designated purchaser.  He collected the cash we had (if we had any!) and went to the liquor store.  He generally led Rod and I down a path of destruction by contributing to the delinquency of us minors.  Well, ok, we were already a couple of delinquents before we me Matt.   But once Matt was involved in the mix, it was Katy bar the door!  There are a lot of stories I could tell on the three of us, and I will tell some more in the future (statute of limitations and all).

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

MD Anderson - Ring-a-Ding

Yesterday I escorted my bride down to MDA for her last chemo treatment!  Praise the Lord!
It wasn’t simple, because her regular doctor was on maternity leave; so we had a fill in.  Which means his patients came first and our appointments were later in the day.  All that said, she started chemo in the main building at 8:30 last night.  At 10:30 they moved us to another floor because that portion of MDA closed at 11.  She finally finished about 11:45 and we left around midnight.
BUT, she is done with the chemo!  In some places they have a bell to ring on your last chemo, but we did not have one on the 2nd floor.  That was probably a relief for Felicia because I had planned on banging and clanging on that thing, even if she wouldn’t!
Someone had told us God has a plan and that we should not waste her chemo.  Gods plan was to affect someone’s life by her words and walk.  I just never knew it was going to be mine….
My bride has walked steady with Christ through all the ups and downs that come along with chemo, I couldn’t be prouder to call her my wife.  I have seen her faithful and upbeat, with never a complaining word.  I believe her heart is completely His.

2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."
I saw something posted today that reminds me how we are to approach life as move on the next mile of this road:
Romans 5:3-5 "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

As with most Christians who have been down this road before us can attest, your life will never be the same.  Your relationship with Christ is different becasue He is that hope you cling to even more.  You are reminded how fragile our stay on this earth is and how sure the strength of Jesus is. 

I say it again, I am so proud to call Felicia the mother of my children and my wife.  Praise the Lord, He has truly blessed me!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MD Anderson – Update / Chemo #5

Sorry this has been so long getting out there, but time flys!  Chemo number 5 kicked Felicia around a little.  She was sick and weak, probably for the first time felt like she just couldn’t move.  Her Mom got on the phone with the doctor and he said it sound like her body was just wore out.  He decided it would be best to give her another week off to recover.  Which seems to have worked well, because today she acted like she felt pretty good.  We registered the girls for school today and then Shirley and Felicia took them shoe shopping.  (I dodged a bullet on that one!) 
She will probably be wore out by the time they get home, but I think she will have fun!   The last chemo is on 8/15/11, and then it’s celebration time until she starts the radiation.
All in all, God has been good.  I have been blessed with a trooper of a wife who has hung in there with a good attitude.  You can't ask for more than that!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Riding The Milk Cow

My dad grew up in a time without gameboys, facebook or really any of the things that consume a kids time.  He, and his friends, had time on their hand to think of things to do that actually involved them doing it.  After hearing some of these stories, I have to wonder how he survived!  This is some of his story, in his words.